„Eko-Zadar“ was founded one day before the Earth day in 1999 by group of enthusiasts with the goal to promote ecological agriculture. Chosen methodology is education of all members of the society (public, business and civil sector) through ecological food production i.e. organic farming as the only way of sustainable agriculture that is beneficial to human health as well as the environment; soil and water.
By bringing in the service of Green telephone, a big number of young ecologically aware activists arrived in “Eko-Zadar” and have put the emphasis on environmental protection. During 2003 the name of the organisation was adjusted and we became NGO for promotion of organic farming and environmental protection. Since then we have been working on awareness rising and education of citizens on the topic of ecology. Behind us there are number of organised fairs, successfully implemented activist projects and educational programs. Part of our projects are oriented on energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy resources usage. In 2013 we have expanded and complemented the name of the organisation into NGO for promotion of organic farming, environmental protection and sustainable development “Eko-Zadar”. We are members of the Green telephone network Croatia and Green forum.
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Main board: Ira Ćurković (president), Atana Grbić-Martinović (member), Andrej Fric (member), Nives Rogoznica (co-president), Linda Šušteršić (member)
Supervisory board: Taida Garibović, Josip Matassi, Sandra Šestan
Court of honour: Nedjeljko Čotić, Matija Podvršnik, Dragutin Raspović
VAT number: 36247318879
Bank account: HR3224070001100082103
NGO “Eko-Zadar”, which conducts its economic activity according to the principles of social entrepreneurship, is a member of the informal network of social entrepreneurs: https://www.drustveno-poduzetnistvo.eu/